
Working from home, homeschooling kids, restaurants and bars closed, grocery stores only letting so many people in at a time. A big inconvenience to some, but I am enjoying some of this. I’m a little afraid things will just go back to normal in a few months, but I am hopeful that we all learn some things from this and change the way we work and play. I’ve been doing most of my shopping online for years, even groceries, so not much change for me in that area. Offices are obsolete for a lot of industries, we weren’t meant to spend so many hours a week behind a desk waiting for the next bit of work. If you can work from home why wouldn’t you? Personally, I am way more productive when I am in the comfort of my home. I’ve been getting more and better work done, and I get to see my kids. I don’t mind the social distancing for the most part, but goddamn I can’t wait to have a few beers with friends at our favorite bar and eat some local Mexican food at a restaurant!