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oils, watercolor, digital art, screen printing, vector art, logo design


Well you're here, now what? I wanted a more personal space to share my creative endeavors, one of which is coding, so why not make a site where I can do both? And right now the whole planet is on lock down due to the 'rona, all the bars are closed so... And although I love social media, I really miss the old school internet of the '90s and the whole everything/nothing vibe of personal websites. You young whippersnappers ruined my damn internet; we had dial-up and had to really search for our mp3s, warez, and porn; get off my lawn, blah blah blah
Anyway, here's more about me, and I hope you enjoy your visit or at least get a chuckle. Maybe I'll add a guestbook to this site for nostalgia, or you can contact me.

grindcore, good beer, pinups, astronomy, programming, trivia

latest news

See you all in hell then

2020-05-28 19:27:26